The Republic

Moby Dick
Herman Melville

In the Heart of the Sea
Nathaniel Philbrick

Join me for brunch at my house Saturday, April 5th, 2025 from 12 - 2 pm
Send book or menu suggestions to me by text or email at
Virtual 1-2 pm

save the date!
Saturday, June 16, 2029, Ulysses

December 30, 2024

Person of the Year

Baby 'El'

November 18, 2024

Spring in Cazenovia Park

October 12, 2024

My video, "Where Was I", was included last week in Squeaky Wheel's 21st Annual Animation Festival!

September 16, 2024

Book Club Recap

Cheddar Cheese Frittata, Cantalope, Rice Pudding

June 10, 2024

Book Club Recap

Cheddar Cheese Rice Omlettes

April 24, 2024

Book Club Recap

Middlemarch author George Eliot and In Search o f Lost Time author Marcel Proust

Pre Solar Eclipse Meeting April 6th, 2024
We did not discover the Key to All Mythologies and no one confessed to reading all 7 volumes of In Search of Lost Time but we enjoyed hearing John Nash recite a poem by the late, great, Cassius Clay, aka Muhammed Ali,
"...The fans did not dream when they layed down their money
That they would see a total ecllipse of the Sonny "

March 11, 2024

Peaceable Kingdom

Peaceable Kingdom with Taylor Swift
Here is a version of the Peaceable Kingdom inspired by the series of paintings by the American painter Edward Hicks. I plan to make variations with different animals and guests.

February 27, 2024

Kitchen Appliances part III

Rice Steamer
This is another appliance (like the immesion blender) that I refused to like until I got one. It was a gift from one of my children. I love it. Multiple cooks I worked with gleefully endorsed rice steamers. It always seemed absurdly redundant to me. Why not just use a pot with a lid and burner? However, I still wondered, over the years, why they liked and recommended it so much. I started using my new rice steamer a few years ago. I love it. Did I already say that?

February 13, 2024


Here are a few versions of some snowscene paintings I did recently. They are scenes from Cazanovia Park. I plan to use them in an animated movie of As You Like It that I am working on( A2s1). We had a big snowstorm here in January. I was able to get to the park and take some pictures which I am using to make paintings.

December 19, 2023

Dead Person of the Year

I don't know what I was thinking depicting Jerry Garcia with an acostic guitar in this silkscreen print from the 1980s. Watch and listen to Ramble on Rose, Grateful Dead, on you tube

December 15, 2023

Kitchen Appliances part II

Another favorite kitchen appliance I have is this coffee machine. My children gave it to me for my birthday in 2022. It steams, grinds, brews, and the colored lights on top tell me what to do. The bonus is nothing on it tells me what not to do!

December 6, 2023

Person of the Year

Liz Cheney has been named nashpaintings person of the year. Taylor and Magda were runners up but it was no contest this year.

November 22, 2023

Kitchen Appliances part I

My professional cooking career included lots of people, places, and events. There was plenty of tears and laughter, checks and bad checks. There was also a lot of food. This is not about any of that stuff. This is part one of my kitchen appliance series, (dramatic music). I refused to fully accept the immersion blender for a couple decades. The reason for this may be a fear of change but I think it's because my moon is in Taurus. The blades of an immersion blender are on the end of a stick that you put into a container to blend ingredients. A standard blender has blades at the bottom of a container that you put ingredients into to blend them. When a restaurant I worked at bought an immersion blender (at the request of another cook) I felt like I was cheating on the food processor every time I used it. This all changed last about a year or so ago (dreamlike music, cloud or vapor video effects...) I noticed we had one in our kichen and tried using it to make milkshakes and smoothies* and was hooked. Now the immersion blender is one of my favorite kitchen appliances.

*Regular blenders are better suited to crushing ice than stick blenders so only use a little crushed ice for smoothies

November 18, 2023


The absence of an Ethics Code has led in recent years to the misunderstanding that we regard ourselves as unrestricted by ANY ethics rules. Today, has decided not to adopt a Code of Ethics. This is in keeping with our consistent policy of doing "whatever we want." Not enacting an ethics code should not be interpreted to mean we will do anything... but ... it will enable us to stay agile when faced with new challenges.

November 15, 2023

Turkey Cooking

  1. If the turkey you have is frozen make sure it is fully thawed (soft). Thaw it in your refridgerator for at least 4 or 5 days before Thanksgiving.
  2. The day before Thanksgiving take the turkey out of the refrigerator a hour or two before cooking
  3. Turn on you oven to 325 or 350 degrees F.
  4. Course chop large some celery, carrots, and onions and cover the bottom of the pan you will be cooking the turkey in with some of it to prevent the turkey from directly touching the bottom of the pan
  5. Unwrap the completly thawed turkey, (note the weight to calculate cooking time later). Remove any parts from front and back cavitys and rinse the tukey with water, inside and out.
  6. Loosly fill the main cavity of the turkey with the rest of the chopped vegetables and place the turkey in the pan
  7. Put the pan and turkey in the oven with a little water covering the bottom of the pan, rub ~1/4 lb butter on top of the turkey and also sprinkle salt and pepper on it
  8. Cook for not too short a time and not too long a time. A medium amount of time is correct, the golden mean! The inside tempature should be 160 -165 degrees, use a meat thermometor or estimate 15-20 minutes per pound of turkey
  9. Take the turkey out of the oven and let it cool off for a little while (1 -2 hours) and then put it in the refigerator
  10. When it is cold carve it up and reheat it in a covered container with some broth in an oven at a low temperature